Welcome to our blog! We are excited to introduce this new addition to our website and take the plunge into sharing our insights with you.
As a brief introduction, we are a consulting firm specializing in river engineering and geospatial services. Our expertise encompasses hydrology, hydraulics, and geospatial analysis and visualisation, focusing primarily on flood disaster management and sustainable environment management. Fret not, we are versatile and eager enough to explore other fields using the tools at our disposal.
A bit about us: we are a group of engineers, geospatialists, environmentalists, designers, who believe that rivers, vital sources of water, should be preserved and returned to their natural states with minimal hard engineering intervention. Our goal is to provide holistic, sustainable solutions to river-related challenges, including flooding and drainage management. Ultimately, it’s all about living harmoniously with nature.
Through this blog, we aim to share our expertise and insights on a variety of topics, including river engineering, water resources, environment issues, disaster risk reduction and management, and everything geography, with a particular focus on Malaysian contents. We also plan to keep you updated on our company and the events we participate in. Whether you are an industry professional, a student, or simply curious about our work, we hope you find our posts informative and engaging. We aim to make this journey beneficial for everyone involved.
We encourage our readers, visitors, and fellow industry professionals to connect with us! If you have any questions or are interested in our services, please don’t hesitate to reach out. We look forward to engaging with you (like how we have done here), as we embark on this new journey. Thank you.
RNRC Team.